
Graphic courtesty of Industrial Berkley via Memento Mori

Excess length is needed at first but once swelling subsides that length can become more harmful than helpful.

The movement of the longer post can cause irritation, prolong swelling and introduce bacteria from the body surface.

Ready for a downsize?

If there is visible extra post, things feel healed and jewelry moves pretty freely you’re ready for a downsize!

If your piercing is actively producing crusties or has signs of redness or residual inflammation it may be best to wait.

Not sure? Book anyway and we can check things out!

As long as jewelry is from us/compatible with in-house jewelry the end(s) or top(s) are inter-changable with a fitted flat back or barbell shaft, so you can keep your same top!

Want something new on the ends/top of your jewelry in addition to a shorter post? We got you, just schedule as a jewelry change, or include that you want new ends/tops in the notes section of a downsize appointment request form :)

If your piercing was performed with us there is no service fee for sizing, sterilizing and installing fitted post/shaft.

There is a $5-10 supply fee for piercings performed elsewhere.

18-12 gauge flat backs =$15 ea

16-12 gauge straight barbell shafts=$20-30 ea

16-12 gauge curved or circular threaded shafts=30-40

18-12 gauge seam/captive rings = $20-250+