General Pricing

Piercing Fees+

| $30 (per ear facial, oral, navel or nipple piercing)

|$40 (per surface piercing or 8 + gauge piercing)

| $50 (per genital piercing)

Jewelry Chosen=

| $20-$65 (classic shapes/gems)

| $35-100+ (gemmed options)

| $60-1000+ (solid gold)

Total Cost

| $50-$105 (classic shapes/gems)

| $85-200+ (ornate titanium)

| $85-1000+ (solid 14k or 18k gold)

Jewelry Change/Removal

|$5 Jewelry purchased in the studio: This service has been complimentary in the past but due to availability and price increases in personal protective equipment we have to charge a small fee to cover supplies used in the installation.

|$10-20 Outside Jewelry: must meet quality standards and be sealed in original packaging

|$5-30 Removal of piercings

*Appointments involving previously worn jewelry require a minimum of 45 min, feel free to arrange for drop off of jewelry to be reprocessed ahead of time to avoid waiting.

Consult + Curation

|$0 Complimentary Consultation (15 min):

In-person anatomy assessment and jewlery browsing session designed to help you decide what future piercing and jewelry are right for your anatomy and lifestyle.

|$10 Detailed Curation (30 min):

In-depth appointment to assess anatomy, map out future projects visually and make jewelry choices. We can also chat about budget, what your priorities are and set up an appointment for piercing/styling.

|$200-1000+ Full Curation (1-2 hrs):

Extensive appointment to assess anatomy, map out projects visually and make jewelry choices. We can also chat about budget, what your priorities are and actuallystyle existing piercings and/or add new piercings in the same session. *The availability and duration of this appointment type would depend on about how many piercings you’d like styled or new piercings you’d like to do*

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.